Parents’ Day 2022-23 Grand functionPresident of Akola Zilla Maratha Mandal Dr. Ranjeet Sapkal sir during Annual Parents day.Shri Prakash Patil sir secretary of Akola Zilla Maratha Mandal students welcomes during Annual parents’dayDr. Vinod Borde sir Treasurer of Akola Zilla Maratha Mandal students welcomes during Annual Parents day.Bhartitai Gharphalkar president of Akola Zilla Maratha Mandal Mahila Samittee student welcomes.Dr. Sharmilatai Sapkal students welcomes.Jayatai Band during programmePresident garland the photo of Savitribai Phule and Maa Jijau and enlighten the lamp.Principal Vanita Raut welcomes president Dr. Ranjeet Sapkal sirPrincipal Vanita Raut welcomes Bhartitai Gharphalkar president of mahila Samittee.All the dignitaries of Akola Zilla Maratha Mandal and Mahila Samittee during poojan.President addressing during function.Welcome songBengoli dance of std IXPunjabi dance of std VII VIII boysRajasthani dance of std VII VIII girlsShivaji Maharaj coronationDance of pre-primary students.Koli dance during functionkashmir dance of std IV
During National Maths Day , Ruchika teacher welcome President of program Mrs. Vanita RautPrincipal ma’am garland the photo of Ramanujan and enlighten the lamp.Conducted Maths Quiz competitionPrincipal ma’am addressing during Maths day.Students delivered speechMaths Quiz competiton.
Inauguration of Anand Mela by Principal ma’amTeachers performance by teachers on childrens day.childrens day programme.During Childrens day Principal Mrs. Vanita Raut garland the photo of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.Childrens enjoying Anand Mela.
Principal Mrs. Vanita Raut Enlighten the lamp and garland the photo of Mahtma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri.Celebrating Mahtma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti.
Debate competition on the occassion of Sharda devi Ustav.Worship of Sharda devi.Fancy dress competition on Navratri.Garba on Navratri.honouring of judge of debate competition Sandhya Badarkhe.Honouring of Judge of Debate competition Sarita Nikam.Anchoring of Debate competition.Honouring of Principal ma’am Vanita Raut on Debate competition.
Flag hoisting on Independence day 2002In Interschool competition students got I prize in Singing Patriotic song in Bal Shivaji school.Blackboard decorationAll the teaching staff during Independence day.Singing groupStudents delivering speechPresident Dr. Ranjit Sapkal sir appreciating student for his melodious voice.Treasurer Dr. Vinod Borde sir addressing during Independence day
Poojan of Maharshi Vyas on Guru Poornima Programme.
During Guru Pournima ProgrammeHonoured teachers by welcoming them with gifts.Addressing Principal Mrs. Vanita Raut ma’am during Guru-pournima programme.